You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.
Luke 1:31

St Mary’s Orthodox Syrian Church, Chandanagar is a church attached to the diocese of Bangalore under the ecclesiastical head of the Malankara [Indian] Orthodox Church. It was first blessed by Late His Grace Zachariah Mar Dionysius(Madras Diocese) on 20th,October 1986. The church building was reconstructed and consecrated on June 10 2011 by H.H BASELIOS MARTHOMA PAULOSE II, Catholicose of the East.

Our Church has 100+families as its members and is located near BHEL, Chandanagar.  Church Service is conducted every sunday morning at 7:30 AM. Every year, the padayatra to Hyderabad St. Gregorios Cathedral starts from St. Mary’s church and the church celebrates all the declared feasts of the church. The church feast, celebrating the dormition of St. Mary, our mother of christ,  is held on August 15 every year preceeded by 3 days of spiritual convention.

Namaskaram | 7.30am
Holy Qurbana | 8.30am

Our church vicar

Rev. Fr. K. M. Jacob

Fr. K. M. Jacob is a member of the St.  George Orthodox Church, Anaprambal, Edathua, Niranam Diocese. He is an M. Com graduate and has obtained GST degree from Orthodox Theological Seminary Kottayam and BD, from Serampur University. Fr. K. M. Jacob has served in the Bangalore diocese for multiple years and was the vicar of the Fujeira orthodox church before moving to Hyderabad.

Rev. Fr. K. M. Jacob

Our organisations


— Sunday School

Sunday school is designed for orthodox kids to know and experience the orthodox faith. This mission keeps all Sunday Schools unified through the set Diocesan Curriculum that all parishes of our Diocese follow. The curriculum teaches the young children about our holy scripture, history of our churches, life’s of the saints, the orthodox traditions and many such teachings that moulds them spiritually.

We are proud to say the Sunday school empowers the children with the knowledge of God and the pride of being an Orthodox Christian.



The purpose of the youth wing of the church is to set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity, as claimed in 1 Timothy 4:12.
The MGOCSM and OCYM play an active role in not just learning the orthodox faith and building a personal relationship with our Lord, but also in giving back to the society that we are a part of. The youth lives the faith through worship, service and fellowship.

— Vanitha Samajam

Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam is the Women’s wing of the Malankara Orthodox Church of India. It is one of the major spiritual organization of the church combining all the female members. It is spread throughout the world in all the 30 Dioceses and functioning in all parishes of the church.
